Quick TXD Extractor

Author : Yugi (Eduardo), Brazilian Modding Studio
Game support : GTA III, VC, SA
"most all default format compression using by GTA games supported, except DXT5"

"This is useful tool to extract textures from TXD files. Very handy for (batch) extract several TXDs files, or to get textures from 'locked TXD' files."

Ini tool yang bisa dengan mudah mengextract textures dari file TXD. Sangat bermanfaat untuk membatch, mengexport textures dari sejumlah file TXD secara bersamaan, atau mendapatkan textures dari TXD yang dilock.
How to unlock locked TXD files:

Use this tool instead. This my suggestion for some people who asked me, how to, publicity or privately.
Since do unlock or lock is 'painful activities' - , maybe some of you not happy to do that" and painful to explain :D


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